Intuitive *Sound and Vibration* *Energetics* Language of Light. A gentle, loving presence offering and anchoring within the health and wellbeing industry for 25 years. Massage Therapy; Energetics; Sound & Vibration; Acutonics; Holosonics; Language of Light; Fibonacci & Phi Sound Session; Usui & Karuna Reiki Master; Meditation; Access BARS Consciousness, Reflexology; Astrology; Firewalking…..just to name a few! Restorative Yoga Facilitator; Kids & Family Yoga Instructor, Therapeutic Drumming; Infant Massage Instructor; Sound Bath Facilitator; Event Creator & Organizer; Alchemist: Visionary. A divine essence within the presence of being. Infinite and eternal. Wholeness within the body, mind, soul and sprit union.
I AM the love for transformation, evolutionary expansion, blue being, the magic and alchemy within conscious creation.
I AM the infinite and the all, the vastness and the no-thing. Supporting the continual evolutionary shifts in consciousness. Experiencing the vastness of potentialities and opportunities; playing the many roles within this feminine form.
I AM a conscious intuitive, accessing the multidimensional frequencies from within. Highest self. Connection. Being.
In service for over 25 years in the health and well being industry. I AM presence of a dynamic symphony of healing and transformational experiences, modalities and tools!
I dedicate my life to the divine Mastery of being my brightest, most radiant, divine loving soulight. Union and One…Magic, Miracles and Freedom. And for those of whom dance within my earthly hu-man experiential journey; I offer love and gratitude, honor and support!
“It is the greatest gift to be part of the journey of consciousness within humanity. To support, observe and feel the higher heart in another activate and be. The embodiment of divine love begins within. Remembering ones truth and divinity. One & Union.”
After experiencing severe chronic pain due to a sports injury, Annie learnt the importance of massage therapy as a therapeutic healing tool and incorporating purposeful movement into her everyday life. Receiving regular massage treatment and becoming a stronger, fitter woman allowed her to recover and go on to compete for Team Canada at the Arm Wrestling World Championships.
Annie wanted to help others in similar situations and started down the path of becoming an RMT herself and has now been in the field for 5 years. Annie is passionate about helping others recover from injury and allowing people to do the activities they love pain-free. She has specific experience dealing with sports injuries and helping people with both acute and chronic conditions. She treats with purpose and intention and has a wealth of therapeutic techniques to create a personalized treatment plan to get people feeling their best.
Annie loves working towards a goal with clients. It drives her to make sure her clients are getting the best support they can.
Annie loves to be outside as much as possible when not at work exploring the mountains with her family, whether that’s hiking, climbing, rafting or snowboarding.